Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching

Nature of the Program

The Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching recognizes consistently superior teaching at the graduate, undergraduate or professional level in keeping with the State University's commitment to providing its students with instruction of the highest quality.

The ratio of FTE students to nominees for the Chancellor's Award for Adjunct Teaching shall be the same as the ratio for the nominees for the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Full-time Teaching. Note: This ratio is currently one nominee per 2,000 FTEs.

Selection Criteria

The primary criterion is skill in teaching.

Teaching Techniques and Representative Materials

There must be positive evidence that the candidate performs superbly in educational environments. The nominee must maintain instructional policies that adapt readily to student needs, interests and problems. Mastery of teaching techniques must be demonstrated and substantiated.

Candidates' evaluations of students' work must be strongly supported by evidence. When available, student evaluations (in the form of student questionnaires administered and compiled by persons other than the nominee) may provide a clear idea of the nominee's effectiveness in teaching.

Additional consideration, as appropriate, may be given to:

  • Outstanding support for the intellectual growth of individual students;
  • Demonstrated use of relevant contemporary data from their discipline(s) in their teaching. Evidence may be scholarly and/or widely recognized experience in the field;
  • Number of students per course; and
  • Different teaching techniques employed.

Eligibility Criteria specific to the Excellence Award for Adjunct Teaching

  • Nominees must be adjunct faculty as generally defined by the specific SUNY institution. Individuals serving in full-time professional or academic positions at a SUNY institution are not eligible for this award;
  • Nominees must have taught, over the proceeding five years, a total number of courses equivalent to one-half of a three-year full-time teaching load in the appropriate department;
  • Nominees may also serve in adjunct roles at other educational institutions; and
  • Nominees must be employed by the nominating campus at the time of the nomination.

Nomination Process

The programs require that nominations coming forward to the system administration level be the product of an objective and rigorous campus review. Further, the nomination process should benefit from the involvement of a broad spectrum of the campus community including faculty, students and administration. Under no circumstance may individuals apply — or self-nominate — for these awards.

Use this nomination checklist to compile the nomination packet.

Completed nomination dossiers must be submitted electronically by the dean's office of the nominee's school/college to the Center for Learning and Teaching at no later than Monday, Oct. 14, 2024.

For More Information

For complete details about the Chancellor's Awards for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching, please visit the following website: .