Negotiation Skills and Techniques Workshop (Virtual)

Day Thursday, March 04
Time 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Where Private Location (rsvp to display)

Negotiation is an essential skill for many professions. This practical, interactive workshop led by alumni who are experts in the field will improve students' ability to negotiate effectively by sharpening existing skills and deepening their knowledge of fundamental principles of negotiations. Through exercises role playing and discussion, students will be introduced to preparing for and conduc...

Add to Calendar 03/04/2021 5:30 PM 03/04/2021 7:30 PM America/New_York Negotiation Skills and Techniques Workshop (Virtual) Negotiation is an essential skill for many professions. This practical, interactive workshop led by alumni who are experts in the field will improve students' ability to negotiate effectively by sharpening existing skills and deepening their knowledge of fundamental principles of negotiations. Through exercises role playing and discussion, students will be introduced to preparing for and conduc... Private Location (rsvp to display)