How to Engineer Your Way into a Creative Career

Day Tuesday, March 16
Time 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Where Zoom

Join Matt Stupak, Watson CS alum ('14) for a motivational tech talk where you will learn how and why to be open-minded about career paths & how to succeed at a new job or internship during a pandemic. Matt currently is employed at Google, working for Youtube. Attend and receive a $10 Amazon gift card as well! Register on hireBING for the session here:

Add to Calendar 03/16/2021 8:00 PM 03/16/2021 9:00 PM America/New_York How to Engineer Your Way into a Creative Career Join Matt Stupak, Watson CS alum ('14) for a motivational tech talk where you will learn how and why to be open-minded about career paths & how to succeed at a new job or internship during a pandemic. Matt currently is employed at Google, working for Youtube. Attend and receive a $10 Amazon gift card as well! Register on hireBING for the session here: Zoom