SASE Exchange
Day | Sunday, April 07 |
Time | 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM |
Where | Private Location (sign in to display) |
We proudly present this year?s SASE Exchange: MINECRAFT EDITION ?? SASE Exchange is our annual fair-style event featuring various Asian cultures ??? Come join us for an afternoon of delicious food fun activities enticing games and raffle prizes ?
Sponsored by: Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers
Add to Calendar 04/07/2024 2:00 PM 04/07/2024 5:00 PM America/New_York SASE Exchange We proudly present this year?s SASE Exchange: MINECRAFT EDITION ?? SASE Exchange is our annual fair-style event featuring various Asian cultures ??? Come join us for an afternoon of delicious food fun activities enticing games and raffle prizes ? Private Location (sign in to display)