Lab Safety/Hazardous Waste Training

Day Wednesday, September 11
Time 10:50 AM to 12:00 PM
Where EHS Main Office- Infirmary Room 101

Initial Lab Safety Training and Hazardous waste training required for students, faculty, and staff working in a Laboratory. Returning Students/Faculty/Staff who have taken this training in person before are eligible to take the training online. Who Needs Lab Training? Faculty, Staff, or Undergraduate or Graduate students working in an unsupervised research setting would be considered laborat...

Add to Calendar 09/11/2024 10:50 AM 09/11/2024 12:00 PM America/New_York Lab Safety/Hazardous Waste Training Initial Lab Safety Training and Hazardous waste training required for students, faculty, and staff working in a Laboratory. Returning Students/Faculty/Staff who have taken this training in person before are eligible to take the training online. Who Needs Lab Training? Faculty, Staff, or Undergraduate or Graduate students working in an unsupervised research setting would be considered laborat... EHS Main Office- Infirmary Room 101