Meet the Gale Scholar Lab (Text analysis tool)

Day Thursday, February 06
Time 2:50 PM to 4:15 PM
Where Online Event

Use the powerful Gale Digital Scholar Lab to apply Digital Humanities tools to the library?s archival holdings. In this intro session, you will become familiar with the Lab?s robust interface and three step workflow: Build, Clean, Analyze, and some recently-added features that support collaboration and project creation. With a hands-on demo, we will focus on the most popular analysis tools used...

Add to Calendar 02/06/2025 2:50 PM 02/06/2025 4:15 PM America/New_York Meet the Gale Scholar Lab (Text analysis tool) Use the powerful Gale Digital Scholar Lab to apply Digital Humanities tools to the library?s archival holdings. In this intro session, you will become familiar with the Lab?s robust interface and three step workflow: Build, Clean, Analyze, and some recently-added features that support collaboration and project creation. With a hands-on demo, we will focus on the most popular analysis tools used... Online Event