Find your Harpur Edge: Kickoff event for Edge-Finder Program (Virtual)

Day Tuesday, September 29
Time 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Where Video Conferencing Link

Welcome to Binghamton, and welcome to Harpur College! Are you interested in how to make the most of your years as an undergraduate, utilize all your campus resources and achieve post-grad success? Join us for the kick off event for Harpur Edge鈥檚 exciting NEW program, the Edge-Finder program! This virtual scavenger hunt of sorts helps new first-year and transfer Harpur College students a...

Add to Calendar 09/29/2020 12:00 PM 09/29/2020 1:00 PM America/New_York Find your Harpur Edge: Kickoff event for Edge-Finder Program (Virtual) Welcome to Binghamton, and welcome to Harpur College! Are you interested in how to make the most of your years as an undergraduate, utilize all your campus resources and achieve post-grad success? Join us for the kick off event for Harpur Edge鈥檚 exciting NEW program, the Edge-Finder program! This virtual scavenger hunt of sorts helps new first-year and transfer Harpur College students a... Video Conferencing Link