previousWeek of February 23nextSunday, February 23 5:00 PMPep Band Rehearsal 5:00 PMPep Band RehearsalMonday, February 24All DayAcademic Assessment Days 9:00 AMSSD Open Study, Bartle Library Edition12:00 PMSpeech Pathology Students are invited to grab a drink from the Starbucks Truck right in your parking lot!12:15 PMESURC Monday Office Hours 1:00 PM Education Abroad Drop-In Advising (In-Person) 2:30 PMDecker College Graduation Preparation Fair 9:30 PMMonday Night Sport Shot LeagueTuesday, February 2511:30 AMInclusive Pedagogy Lunch & Learn Series: Part 2 1:00 PMESURC Tuesday Office Hours 1:00 PM Education Abroad Drop-In Advising (In-Person) 2:30 PMDecker College Alumni Coffee Chat: Annie DePugh BSN and an MPH. Wednesday, February 2610:00 AMB-Engaged: Marketing and Outreach12:00 PMDecker College Students: Welcome Back from the Decker Dean's Office - Office of DEI! 1:00 PMESURC Wednesday Office Hours 1:00 PM Education Abroad Drop-In Advising (In-Person) 1:30 PMSSD Open Study, Union Edition 9:30 PMWednesday Night Competitive PracticeThursday, February 2711:00 AMESURC Thursday Office Hours12:00 PMMeal Meetup at C4 1:00 PM Education Abroad Drop-In Advising (In-Person) 1:00 PMBU Business System Purchase Requisitions 8:00 PMBaja SAE Full Team 8:00 PMBinghamton Night Live- HPC 9:30 PMThursday Night Open BowlFriday, February 28 9:00 AMIndustrial and Systems Engineering Graduate Information Session 1:00 PMEducation Abroad Drop-In Advising (Virtual Only) 2:00 PMESURC Friday Office Hours 2:00 PMWalk, Roll, and Stroll 3:00 PMFashion w/ Flavor Fridays - National Eating Disorder Awareness with SOGIES 4:30 PMFriday Skate!! 8:00 PMBinghamton Night Live- HPCSaturday, March 01 4:30 AMSn10:00 AMWomen of Color Summit 8:00 PMBinghamton Night Live- HPC