ࡱ> @B?O bjbjςς 6ee<RRD[<,&$@!#F)?QvR0!$6$)$)\$R ]: Ƶ Art Museum Ƶ State University of New York P.O. Box 6000 Binghamton, New York 13902 Incoming Loan Agreement EXHIBITION: LOAN DATES: LENDER: Individual: Title: Address: City, State: Phone: Publication Credit: DESCRIPTION: See list attached Artist: Title: Date: Medium: Dimensions: H: W: D: (without frame or mat) H: W: D: (sculpture without pedestal) H: W: D (with frame or pedestal) Lender Authorization: I have read and accept all conditions on the front and back of this agreement. Signature of lender: Name & Title: Date: INSURANCE MAINTAINED BY: __ Lender __ Ƶ Art Museum (See insurance conditions in paragraphs 3 and 4) INSURANCE VALUE: See list attached SHIPPING VIA: Arranged by BUAM (see shipping conditions in paragraph 5) SHIPPING INFORMATION: Pick up from (name): Address: Phone: Return delivery to: Please sign and date the completed Loan Agreement, retain a copy for your files and return to: Museum Registrar Ƶ Art Museum Ƶ Vestal Parkway East Binghamton, NY 13902 Ƶ Art Museum authorization: Signature: Name & Title: Date: CONDITIONS GOVERNING LOANS 1. The Ƶ Art Museum shall, to normal professional standards, provide protection for borrowed materials from the hazards of fire, exposure to extreme or deteriorating light, extremes of temperature or humidity, insects, dirt, theft, and mishandling or handling by unauthorized or inexperienced persons or by the public. 2. Borrowed materials will not be treated, cleaned, unfitted, repaired, remounted, reset, dissected, or submitted to any examination or application which would tend to alter their condition, except as may be specifically authorized by the lender, or as may be incidental to the agreed-upon display of such materials. Borrowed materials shall be held and returned in the same condition as when received by the Ƶ Art Museum, subject to reasonable wear and tear normally incident to display or use in accordance with this agreement. Any evident damage to borrowed materials at the time of receipt by the Ƶ Art Museum, or while such materials are in its possession under this agreement, will be reported within a reasonable time to the lender. 3. Insurance equal to the value stated on the front of this agreement shall be provided by the Ƶ Art Museum and shall cover all borrowed materials. Such insurance shall be maintained from the time the borrowed materials are removed from their previous place of exhibition or storage until the materials are returned to such location or such other location as may be agreed upon by the parties to this agreement in writing. Insurance provided hereunder shall be of a similar kind as commonly provided for such materials and shall provide all risk coverage, subject to standard policy exclusions including, but not limited to, loss or damage due to war, invasion, hostilities, rebellion, insurrection, confiscation by order of any government or public authority, risks of contraband, or illegal transportation and/or trade. Should the lender prefer to insure the borrowed materials under its own policies, a copy of the appropriate certificate(s) of such insurance must be provided to the Ƶ Art Museum prior to shipment of the borrowed materials. Such insurance must name the State University of New York and the State of New York as additional insurers, and shall indemnify and hold them harmless from any liability related in any way to the borrowed materials. Lender must also notify the Ƶ Art Museum in advance of the cost of such insurance. 4. The lender agrees that in the event of loss or damage from any cause whatsoever, recovery shall be limited to such amount, if any, as shall be paid by an insurer, under any insurance maintained pursuant to this agreement. Lender further agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the State University of New York and the State of New York, and their officers, employees, agents, and directors, from any and all liability in excess of such amount. 5. All expenses of transportation shall be the responsibility of the Ƶ Art Museum, except in such instances where the loan is for the benefit of the lender. In instances where the borrowed materials will travel to more than a single institution for display, transportation expenses shall be apportioned among all such institutions. The mode of transportation shall be at the discretion of the Ƶ Art Museum, unless both parties agree otherwise prior to shipment. When returned, the borrowed materials, to the extent practicable, shall be packed in the same manner as when originally shipped and with the same containers, packages, pads, and other furnishings, unless a change is specifically authorized by the lender. 6. Unless otherwise notified in writing, the Ƶ Art Museum shall have the right to photograph and reproduce photographs of the borrowed materials, in any appropriate form, for educational purposes. The Ƶ Art Museum shall indicate the ownership of the borrowed materials by suitable means, such as labels, reference in exhibition catalogs, and press releases.     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