Traveler Responsibilities

An employee is considered to be in travel status and eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses (including lodging, meals, transportation, and miscellaneous travel expenses) when an employee is assigned at a work location more than 35 miles from both his/her official work station AND his/her home. The assignments must meet a necessary business purpose as directed and approved by appropriate personnel.

The official work station for the majority of our employees is 黑料视频. Traveling from 黑料视频 to home or vice versa is considered commuting and is not reimbursable.

Employee Travel Guidelines Training

Employee Travel Guidelines

NYS Travel Card Training 

NYS Travel Card Guidelines

NYS Travel Card Application

Before Travel Takes Place:


An employee must complete the for every trip whether they are in overnight status, or simply taking a day trip. R&As identify who is traveling, where they are going, what they are doing, when they leave and return, what expenses they expect to incur, the funding account and a complete list of all parties traveling. The traveler's supervisor, Chair, Dean, Vice President, Provost or President should approve an employee's travel and funding account before travel takes place. It is important that all employees plan their travel, submit a completed and approved R&A form to the Business Office before the date of departure. If you need air and/or lodging control numbers, please request these via the R&A form well in advance of the trip. If there is a monetary limit placed on the R&A form, which will be the maximum amount that will be allowed for the trip, including control numbers for air and/or lodging. Failure to submit an R&A form may result in a delay or refusal of a traveler's request for reimbursement. The traveler is responsible for knowing and complying with all travel guidelines.

Lodging over per-diem justification policy

On occasion, travelers may be unable to find a hotel at a rate that does not exceed the maximum federal lodging per-diem rate for the location of the travel event. If that occurs, travelers must obtain PRIOR WRITTEN approval from his/her finance office to exceed the federal rate using the Request and Authorization form (R&A). On the R&A form, there is space available to give such a justification.

Conference site-hotel that houses any conference/meeting events; staying at the conference site does not need to be pre-justified.

Conference recommended hotel-host hotel(s) for the conference/meeting-staying in host hotels needs to be pre-justified on R&A (again, before trip)

NYS OSC wants the traveler to show that the lodging that was obtained was at the most economical room rate possible-compare 3 like hotels, pick the most economical and document these on R&A before the travel event.

After Travel Takes Place:


After travel event takes place and, if the traveler is due reimbursement, the traveler must complete an Employee Report of Travel Expenses and Claim for Payment, attach (staple) or upload all of their itemized receipts and documentation regarding the purpose of the trip, sign, obtain the signature of their supervisor, Director, Dean, Vice President, Provost or President, and send everything to the Business Office. If a personal vehicle is used during a trip and the traveler is claiming mileage reimbursement, a completed Statement of Automobile Travel Form must be attached to the Expense Report along with the mileage vs. rental car calculation.

Travel expense reports must be submitted within 30 days of the end of the travel event

Travel expense reports need to be stamped in by The Business Office and be "payable ready" by that date...which means that when they get to the Business Office, they are ready to pay and have all pertinent documentation included. Any aged travel expense reports received after that day or that are incomplete will be returned unpaid to the originating department. Late submission past the mandated 30 days may result in the employee not being allowed to travel on state business in the future.