Parking Rules and Regulations

The University seeks to assure that safe and accessible parking is available for intended users and that University business may be conducted in a safe and orderly fashion. The following rules and regulations are in effect throughout the year, including holidays and all University recesses and intercessions.

  • 24-hour lots/resident parking

    The following lots can be used by anyone (except resident first-year students) with a valid permit virtually linked to your license plate, 24 hours a day, all year round: Lot B, Lot E1, Lot G1, Lot H, Lot HSC 1, Lot I, Lot J, Lot M1, Lot N, Lot O1, Lot O2, Lot S1, Lot S2, Lot S3, Lot X, Lot Y1, Lot Y3, Lot Y4, Lot Y5, Lot Z, Lot ZZ North and Lot ZZ South. 

    Residents must park in the above 24-hour lots at all times or be parked in paid space. Commuter lots are not available to residents.

    If you are parked in a metered (paid) space, you are still required to pay.

    In addition, the Parking Garage can be used by anyone who pays the hourly or daily rate or who has purchased a current semester or annual garage pass. First-year students and those who have purchased the Discounted Resident Parking Permit are not permitted in the Parking Garage. 

  • Citation rules

    Citations for overtime parking can be issued every hour and a half for vehicles left in a space without payment. All other citations can be issued each day, midnight to midnight, that a vehicle is in violation of a campus rule.

    An operator of a vehicle parked on campus is presumed to be affiliated with the University. Responsibility for parking violations cited to a vehicle will lie with the owner or family member of the owner affiliated with 黑料视频. The person affiliated with the University is held responsible for parking tickets issued to family members' vehicles. It is your responsibility to inform your family and friends of the parking rules and regulations.

    Vehicles parked in violation of the rules may be towed at the owner's expense. If your vehicle is towed to another location on campus, you must pay your account in full and contact Parking Services before you can claim the vehicle.

    Any customer or visitor who accumulates $200 dollars or more of unpaid citations is immediately eligible for having any vehicle on their account immobilized and/or towed and will no longer be allowed to park on campus until the full amount of their account has been paid. If a vehicle associated with the customer or visitor is found on campus additional citations, boot fees, and/or towing & storage fees can be applied. If a booted vehicle's account isn't paid in full within 24 hours, the vehicle can be towed to a storage site. All costs associated with towing and storage are the responsibility of the customer or visitor.

  • Commuter lots/commuter parking

    Commuter lots are reserved for commuter parking from 5 a.m. to midnight every day; no overnight parking is allowed in these lots at any time, including in metered areas. Vehicles parked for any amount of time between midnight and 5 a.m. can be ticketed and towed.

    The following are commuter lots: Lot A, Lot AD (the Administration Circle), Lot C, Lot D, Lot E, Lot F, Lot F1, Lot F2, Lot F3, Lot G, Lot J1, Lot J2, Lot J3, Lot J4, Lot J5, Lot K, Lot L, Lot LT (disabled parking area), Lot M0, M2, M3, M4, Lot M5, Lot O3, Lot O4, Lot P, Lot Q1, Lot Q2, Lot T, Lot U, Lot V, Lot Y2 and the University Downtown Center parking lot. If you are parked in a metered (paid) space, you are still required to pay.

  • Disability parking

    Vehicles in spaces reserved for disability parking must follow the parking rules regarding University parking permits and paid spaces. (Vehicles must have a valid virtual University parking permit or be paid in a paid space.)

    In addition, 黑料视频's Policy and Procedure for Disability Parking requires individuals parking in designated disability parking areas on campus to display a state disability parking hang tag from the vehicle's rear-view mirror or have disability parking license plates on the driven vehicle. Drivers do not need to request any specific campus-based disability parking to park in standard disability parking spaces.

    While waiting for state disability hang tags, temporary two week ADA permits are available to students, faculty and staff. Students can receive these by contacting Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) and 黑料视频 faculty and staff by contacting Human Resources (HR).

    Individuals whose disabilities limit them from walking long distances, can apply for an L-permit, provided they have a state disability parking hangtag or disability parking license plates. These permits allow people to park in areas closer to building destinations.

    All other groups should contact Parking Services with disability parking questions.

  • Disabled vehicles

    Disabled vehicles may not be left in roadways, parking lot aisles or other locations where they can interfere with traffic. If your vehicle becomes disabled, move it as quickly as possible to a valid parking space and immediately report the vehicle description, license plate number, location and name of the owner or operator to Parking Services or University Police. Leaving a note on the vehicle does not serve as adequate notification.

    Once a vehicle is in a valid parking space and is reported as disabled, Parking Services or University Police will give you up to 24-hours to make the necessary removal arrangements. Vehicles left for more than 24-hours or vehicles that are left in roadways, parking lot aisles or other locations where they can interfere with traffic will be towed.

  • First-year student parking

    First-year students residing in University residence halls are not permitted to register or park a vehicle on campus, including at parking meters, the Parking Garage and the Visitor's Paid Lot. First-year resident, non-transfer, matriculated first-year students must complete at least 24 academic credits at 黑料视频 to register a vehicle and be issued a parking permit. Credits earned while in high school do not count toward parking.

    First-year students who reside off-campus may register a vehicle on campus and purchase a parking permit.

    Requests for exceptions to this policy for medical reasons should be directed to Services for Students with Disabilities. All other requests are to be directed to Parking Services. Resident first-year students who park a car on-campus without permission from Parking Services and upperclassmen who purchase a parking permit for a resident first-year student, or attempt to do so, will be fined and/or face campus judicial action.

  • Garage and Paid Lot

    Garage and Paid Lot permits can be purchased. These permits allow parking in open surface lots according to the customer's classification with Parking Services (resident student, commuter student, staff, faculty, etc.), and also allows unlimited entry to the Garage or Paid Lot during normal hours of operation. The Garage and Paid Lot permit does not allow for free parking in metered spaces and only one vehicle at a time is allowed to park on campus. Misuse can result in monetary fines/remuneration, loss of parking privileges, loss of permit without a refund, campus judicial and/or arrest.

    Motorcycles, motorbikes, mopeds, scooters and skateboards are not allowed in the Garage or Paid Lot. Bicycles are not allowed in the Paid Lot.

    Daily payment:
    In the Garage, there are two pay stations where daily paying customers will pay before going to their vehicle and exiting. One pay station is on the lower level of the garage and a second is on the second level. Pay stations will accept credit/debit card or cash (no coins). Once payment is made, an entry ticket will become a paid entry ticket. Upon exit, the gates will open by scanning the paid entry ticket. 

    In the Visitor's Paid Lot, daily paying customers are able to gain exit by paying with a credit/debit card. Cash is not accepted in this lot.

    Gates open:
    At times during the year, the gates for the Garage or Paid Lot may be left open for special events, maintenance, etc. This has been factored into the cost of the garage and paid lot permit and will not entitle garage and paid lot permit holders to a discount or partial refund.

    Lots full:
    It is possible that the Garage and/or Paid Lot may not be available to a card holder due to special events, maintenance or unexpectedly high traffic. This has been factored into the cost of the garage and paid lot permit and will not entitle Garage and Paid Lot permit holders to a discount or partial refund. Other lots on campus may be available to the card holder, depending on the card holder鈥檚 classification with Parking Services (resident student, commuter student, staff, faculty, etc.). Parking Services does not guarantee parking will be available in any specific lot or anywhere on campus.

  • Loading and unloading

    Service roads and residence hall patio areas are strictly reserved for service vehicles. No other vehicle may be operated in those areas without prior permission from Parking Services.

    Loading and unloading at university docks is for clearly identified business vehicles with legitimate campus business, is limited to 20 minutes, and parking permits are required. Personal vehicles wishing to load or unload at docks must be granted permission by Parking Services prior to parking and must have a permit.

    If you are granted permission to load or unload, your vehicle's four-way emergency flashers must be displayed while in any restricted area. A 20-minute time limit, and a five mph speed limit on service drives is strictly enforced. Vehicle operators who do not seek prior permission, who do not use flashers and/or who exceed the time and speed limit may be ticketed and/or towed.

  • License Plate Recognition (LPR)

    TAPS integrated a parking software that utilizes License Plate Recognition (LPR) to improve the parking experience on campus.

    What is LPR?
    License Plate Recognition, or LPR, is a plate-recognition technology that associates parking permits to a license plate and not a sticker decal or hangtag. This technology virtually links license plates to a permit.

    How does LPR work? 
    Permits are virtually linked to your license plate and LPR is used to enforce campus parking violations. Parking Services has an LPR camera-equipped vehicle that verifies a permit has been purchased against the LPR database. For the scan to work correctly, a license plate must be visible from the drive lane. If you are from a state that does not require a front license plate, for example Pennsylvania, vehicles must be pulled into a space nose first. If a license plate is not registered in the LPR system or is not visible for scanning, that vehicle may receive a citation. Parking Services will issue a one-time warning to those needing plate replacement and will allow sufficient time to comply. Requests for replacing peeling license plates can be made by contacting the New York State DMV.

    How does LPR benefit me? 
    LPR simplifies the permit purchasing process. Permits may be purchased online and confirmation will be emailed. Once a confirmation has been received, the permit is active. LPR eliminates waiting for decals in the mail or waiting at the Parking Services office to pick them up. This technology provides immediate permit verification. Students, faculty and staff no longer need to affix decals to their vehicles or pay to have a lost or stolen decal replaced. 

    License Plate Recognition Privacy Policy

  • Metered parking

    Metered parking is available at pay-by-plate and pay-by-phone locations in the administration circle, Lot A, the Library Tower, Lot M0, Lot M5, Lot Q2 and Lot J at the Innovative Technologies Complex. Pay-by-phone spaces are located in Lot F near the Event Center.

    Each pay station is for that particular area. When parking in a different metered area you must pay again. Unexpired payments from a pay-by-plate, pay-by-phone or parking meter cannot be transferred to another location. 

    Parking meters or paid parking areas are in effect 24-hours a day, seven days a week. However, when parking at metered locations, lot rules must be adhered to. 

    On the rare occurrence of a payment method not working, try another payment method. If payment methods do not work, move your vehicle to another location. Contact Parking Services at to notify them of the location with an issue.

  • Motorcycles, snowmobiles and trailers

    All motorcycles, mopeds, motor scooters, dune buggies and motorbikes must be registered with Parking Services and have a permit linked to the license plate. Proof of vehicle registration is required.

    These vehicles can park in regular parking spaces but are not allowed in the Parking Garage and Visitor's Paid Lot (Lot W). In addition, special spaces for motorcycles and mopeds are located in Lot S1, Lot Q2, Lot T, Lot A, Lot Y4, Lot K, Science 2, Lot H, Lot F1, Lot J, Library Tower and Library dock.

    Snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles may not be operated on University grounds without specific permission from the University Police or Parking Services. Vehicular living quarters may not be parked on University grounds at any time without the permission of the University Police Chief or his designee.

  • Multiple vehicles under one permit

    LPR allows you to add two vehicles to your permit from your online account, but only one vehicle is allowed to park on campus at a time.

    You cannot register a vehicle on your university account if it belongs to another campus affiliate. Each person affiliated with the campus must have their own permit and pay their own rate, even if the vehicles are not on campus at the same time.

    If multiple vehicles under one permit are found on campus at the same time, all vehicles will receive a citation. 

  • Official business parking pass

    Official business parking passes passes provide temporary, short-term access to state and service parking spaces for departments on official University business.

    When using an official business pass, passes must be displayed on the dashboard of a vehicle with a current University registration decal or parking permit. Vehicles must be parked in a space reserved with signage for state and service vehicles. The pass is not valid in any other area. Parking is limited to two hours in the reserved spaces. Doors must be locked when using the pass, and must be returned to the dean or department chair's secretary after use.

    Two violations in a calendar year could result in the pass being revoked. The department that requests the official business pass is responsible for the pass.

  • Parking requirements 

    黑料视频 requires that all vehicles conform to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicle rules and regulations regarding registration, insurance and safety inspections. In addition, violations of the Vehicle and Traffic Law or any other applicable traffic ordinance will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the applicable law.

    Vehicles must be parked within the boundaries of a valid parking space. Parking is restricted in crosswalks, sidewalks, off-pavement areas, yellow curb areas, beyond the end of a marked row, bus or loading zones, traffic lanes or barricaded or closed areas or any other non-valid space. Personal notes of explanation left on vehicles or the fact that other vehicles are parked illegally do not constitute justification for parking in violation of the regulations.

    License plates must be properly attached and visible from the drive lane. If you are from a state that does not require a front license plate, for example Pennsylvania, vehicles must be pulled into a space nose first. A one time warning will be issued for this offense.

    Since parking spaces are limited, purchasing a virtual parking permit does not ensure parking in a specific lot or space.

    Drivers or passengers in a vehicle idling in a parking space does not exempt from a parking citation.

  • Peeling or damaged license plates

    If your license plate is peeling, damaged or in need of replacing, Parking Services will issue a one-time warning and will allow sufficient time to comply. LPR requires readable plates. Requests for replacing peeling license plates can be made by .

  • Permit placement

    TAPS utilizes License Plate Recognition (LPR). LPR is a plate-recognition technology that associates parking permits to a license plate and not a sticker decal or hangtag. You will no longer receive a decal to be affixed to your vehicle. Once a permit is purchased online a confirmation will be emailed and the permit is active.

    License plates must be properly attached and visible from the drive lane for LPR to work properly. If you are from a state that does not require a front license plate, for example Pennsylvania, vehicles must be pulled into a space nose first. A one time warning will be issued for this offense.

  • Purchase a permit

    . To log in, you will need your 黑料视频 BU login id.

    First time permit buyer? You must first register your vehicle online with the University. If you are a returning customer, log in and follow the step-by-step instructions.

    Once a virtual permit is purchased online a confirmation will be emailed and the permit is active. Vehicle information can be updated from an online account at any time. Two vehicles can be added to a virtual permit from an online account, but only one vehicle associated with a virtual permit may be on campus at a time.

    Parking permit fees vary according to the type of permit; consult the fee schedule for more information. Be sure to obtain the permit best suited for your parking needs, as refunds will not be issued after seven calendar days of purchase. Also, refunds will be processed only after available funds have been credited to any outstanding fine balances.

    Valid dates for parking permits are shown on your virtual permit in your online account. Since parking spaces are limited, purchasing a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space in any specific lot. 

    Ownership of the parking permit is not transferable.

    Anyone who tampers with, makes fraudulent use of, counterfeits, makes other unauthorized use of or obtains a permit by giving false information is subject to additional fines, University disciplinary action and/or arrest and the rescission of campus vehicle registration and/or parking permit privileges.

  • Roadway rules
    Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit on campus is 20 mph. Sidewalks and service drives are restricted to emergency and maintenance vehicles while performing their official duties. Any other vehicle operating on a sidewalk or service drive must have prior permission from the New York State University Police.
  • Special 24-hour lots
    A few parking areas are designated as special 24-hour lots. If snow is expected overnight, all vehicles in these lots must be removed from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. to allow for snow removal. A green light in these lots will turn on the night prior if vehicles need to be removed the following morning. Vehicles remaining in these lots during these times will be ticketed and towed. The following are special 24 hour lots: the Visitor's Paid Lot and Lot LT (the metered area).
  • Service vehicles
    Companies servicing the campus are expected to follow all parking regulations. Parking Services will issue special parking permits to service vehicles at the time of their registration. The service permit allows service vehicles to park for a maximum of two hours in specially marked State/Service spaces located in parking lots and near loading docks.
  • Visitor parking
    Anyone parking on campus starting at 7 a.m. on Monday through 4 p.m. on Friday must have a valid parking permit or be parked in a paid parking space. After 4 p.m. on Friday until 7 a.m. on Monday no parking permit is needed to park in a valid parking space, though paid parking spaces are still in effect. See Visitor parking for more information.