
You may be able to receive course credit for internships, but arrangements to do so must be approved in advance by the Biology Undergraduate Committee.

The Biology department does not offer structured internships. Announcements of potential internships that come to our attention will be posted to the Biology majors Listserve and on the bulletin board outside of Science 3 room 210.

Can I earn academic credit for internships?
Some internships qualify to earn credit as either BIOL 494 or BIOL 495. The rule of thumb is that the work must result in the student learning as much biology as could be learned in a typical biology course. Providing labor alone, such as patient care in a hospital or washing cages in a zoo, does not meet this learning requirement. The grading for both BIOL 494 and 495 is Pass/Fail only.

BIOL 494 involves work that requires a biological background, but does not involve laboratory or field work. This type of internship gives students the opportunity to try out a variety of careers that make use of their education in biology. You will receive credit toward the major, but no lab credit.

BIOL 495 is for lab or field work in biology, either on or off campus, that is not independent research. In addition to credit toward the major, you would receive a lab credit.

How do I go about arranging for Biology credit for an internship?
This is all explained in the following documents that you can download.

The following is a letter that students should forward to agency supervisors before drafting a learning contract.  Get the letter that you can print or include as an attachment on e-mail.

Where do I go to set up an internship?
In most cases, students arrange for internships on their own. The on-campus source for information and arrangements is the Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development, which offers guided help on opportunities and also has postings for internships in all fields locally and elsewhere.