Cutting-edge equipment in the MARL includes:
12-Camera Motion Analysis System
The 12-camera motion analysis system includes the following:
- Four Vicon Vantage V5 cameras with custom 5 megapixel sensors at 420Hz full frame, 12.5mm lens and 56-degree secondary optics and 22 high-powered IR LED strobe at 850nm.
- Six Vicon Vero cameras with 2.2 megapixel sensors at 330Hz with a varifocal lens ranging from 6鈥12 mm and 850nm IR LED strobe lights.
- Two Vicon Vue video cameras provide reference video at 60Hz in 1980x1080p (or 120Hz at 1280x720p) with 6鈥12mm lens.
Computerized Dynamic Posturography System
This system includes the following:
- Bilateral dynamic forceplates with a sampling rate of 1000Hz
- IVR background for testing and a variety of IVR backgrounds for treatment sessions
Biodex System Dynamometer
- hamstrings
- back
- ankle
- hip
- shoulder
- trunk
- pediatrics
Force Plates and Amplifiers
Four AMTI Optima BMS400600-2K force plates and amplifiers can be reconfigured as needed within an 8' x 3' in-floor pit at triaxial forces and moments at 1000Hz.
Portable GAITRite System
It includes the following features:
- 16,128 sensors over a 24鈥 x 168鈥 active area and data capture ranging from 60Hz鈥180Hz
- Portable access via a wheeled carrying case for easy storage and transportation
Movement Assessment System
The Delsys Trigno Avanti Research+ System features 16 Trigno Avanti electromyography sensors and two biometrics goniometers.
Eye Tracking System
Shoe Pressure Measurement System
- Ultra-thin (0.15mm), high-resolution (4 sensors/cm2), trimmable sensors with a range of 125psi, resolution of 0.71 psi and sampling rate of 100Hz
- Portability with real-time WIFI connectivity with a 100m range
Driving Simulator
- steering wheel
- throttle pedal
- gear shift
- emergency brake
- brake pedal
All tasks are conducted in a Society of Automative Engineers (SAE) Level 3 automated driving environment.