
Weather conditions impact our entire community and portions of our day-to-day activities. Occasionally, weather may be severe and present risks to the safety of our community. The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) monitors severe weather and provides times-sensitive updates to key University administrators.

Lightning Alerting System

黑料视频 utilizes three emergency notification stations on campus athletic fields to notify everyone in the area when lightning is nearby. These stations are located at the Bearcats Sports Complex, the baseball stadium and the Campus Recreation turf field. If lightning is detected within an 8-mile radius of campus, each of the notification stations will activate a horn and strobe. The strobe will remain active until 30 minutes have passed since the last strike of lightning in the 8-mile radius. 

How it works

Lightning siren horn blast
Lightning alert strobe
Lightning alert all clear

When lightning is in the area, it's important to take shelter in a safe, weather-proof indoor location:

  • enclosed building
  • away from windows
  • in your enclosed car or truck if you can't find shelter

Stay away from:

  • water
  • trees
  • metal fences
  • golf carts
  • mowers
  • elevated ground
  • power lines

The lightning network monitors the skies for both in-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. When lightning is detected, the lightning sensors automatically issue severe weather alerts to impacted areas.

Note: This system has "silence times" enabled during nighttime or other hours when the facilities are closed. During these time frames, the lightning siren will not activate when lightning is detected.