Past Faculty Fellows
- Arnab Dey (History)
"Silent Killers: Industrial Disease and Working-Class History in India, c. 1870-1990"
- Brendan Hennessey (Romance Languages)
“Malaria in Italian Fascist Cinema (1924-1940)”
- Giovanna Montenegro (Comparative Literature)
“Subverting Colonial Fantasies for Environmental Resistance in the Guianas”
- Elizabeth Mozer (Theatre)
“Natural Causes”
- Bridget Whearty (English)
“Hiding History: Queer Medieval Nuns and the Nazi Who Tried to Erase Them”
- Heather DeHaan (History)
"Myths of Collective Life: Neighborhood Imagination in Soviet Baku"
- Mateo Duque (Philosophy)
"Acting Out Philosophy: Socrates Becoming Diotima in Plato's Symposium"
- Monika Mehta (English)
"'Spreadable' Censorship and Networked Cultures"
- Shay Rabineau (Judaic Studies)
"Dead Sea Walking"
- Katherine Reinhart (Art History)
"'Sic Itur Ad Astra': The Politics of Architecture and the Construction of the Paris Observatory"
- Jeroen Gerrits (Comparative Literature)
"Herzog Revisited, or: What Becomes of Things on the Web"
- Praseeda Gopinath (English)
“'Broken Steps of the Step-Well': Assertive Dalit Masculinities”
- Kent Schull (History)
"Providing for the Mormon-Armenian Community: Carpets, Agriculture & the Mormon Coloby Scheme in the Late Ottoman Empire"
- Hebatalla Taha (Israel Studies)
"Atoms for Peace in the Middle East: Reactors, Borders, and US Nuclear Diplomacy"
- Alexis Wang (Art History)
"Mirrors, Rainbows, and the Catoptric Image in the Arena Chapel"
- BrieAnna Langlie (Anthropology)
"Taming Nature: The History of Farming and the Future of Food"
- Carl Gelderloos (German)
“Modernization, Modernism, and Science Fiction in Bernhard Kellermann’s The Tunnel (1913)”
- Omid Ghaemmaghami (MEAMS)
"Exploring the Kitáb-i-Aqdas of Bahá’u’lláh: History and Significance of a Nineteenth Century Text"
- Ekrem Karakoc (Political Science)
"Agency and Context in Communal Violence"
- Benjamin Fordham (Political Science)
"Race, Globalization, and the Demise of Southern Support for Multilateralism, 1945-1965"
- Elizabeth DiGangi (Anthropology)
"What Are You?: Being Multiracial in the 21st Century"
- Elisa Camiscioli (History)
"Selling French Sex: Prostitution, Trafficking, and Global Migrations"
- Mary Youssef (MEAMS)
"Together from Womb to Tomb: Sisters and Brothers of the Nation-State"
- Nate Andrade (History)
"Syrian Diasporas of the Ancient Roman and Iranian Worlds"
- Seden Akcinaroglu (Political Science)
"A Battle to Lose? Impact of Government Concessions on Electoral Outcomes"
- Elizabeth Casteen (History)
Title: “‘Rape through Force and Violence’: The Case against Fontfroide Abbey, 1321-1322” - Dina Danon (JUST)
Title: "Negotiating Modernity: The Marketplace of Matchmaking, Marriage, and Divorce in the Ottoman Sephardi World" - Joshua Reno (Anthropology)
Title: "Playing for Something: A Study of Gaming in and as Practice" - Olga Shvetsova (Political Science)
Title: "How Political Incumbents Redesigned Their National Institutions During the Pandemic" - Lisa T. Yun (AAAS and English)
Title: "Digital for Ourselves: Your Story, Our Story"
- McDonough, Tom (Art History): “Images in Crisis”
- Rojas, René (CCPA-Human Development): “Parsing the Paradox of Local Reaction"
- Scholtz, Andrew (CNES): “Race for Glory: Competition and Its Discontents in the Roman East”
- Stoever, Jennifer Lynn (English): “Making Parking Ramps Dance and Department Stores Tremble: Re-Sounding Community Via Artistic Encounter with the Binghamton Historical Soundwalk Project”
- White, Kenneth (Cinema): “Hyperventilation Syndrome: Media Cultures, Control Societies—circa 1970”
- Danberg, Robert (Writing Initiative): "Hope Is A Navigator/How to Survive in the Woods: What To Do When Writing Is Difficult"
- Kleinberg, Katja (Political Science): "Gender, Structural Discrimination, and Attitudes toward Globalization"
- Parkinson, Robert (History): "The Heart of American Darkness"
- Shamma, Tarek (Comparative Literature/TRIP): "Anthology of Arabic Discourse on Translation"
- Strippoli, Roberta (AAAS): "Tokiko, a 12th Century Japanese Woman in History, Legend, and Monuments"
- Wheeler, Leigh Ann (History): "Anne Moody's Global Citizenship During the Late Cold War"
- Garcia, Oscar Gil (Human Development): “Legacies of Forced Migrations”
- Havard, John (English): “Radical Reformer: The First Modern Politician”
- Karnein, Anja (Philosophy): "Human Death and Future Generations"
- Reeder, Jessie (English): “Who Witnesses the Apocalypse?”
- Brown, David (English): “Code Black: Whiteness and Unmanliness in Shakespeare’s Hamlet”
- Chronopulos, Tina (CNES): “Incomprehensibility in the Greek Passion of St. Katherine of Alexandria”
- Libman, Lior (Judaic Studies): “The Politics of Signification in Early Israeli Literature”
- Tessman, Lisa (Philosophy): “Moral Injury and Moral Failure”
- Wilson, Thomas (Anthropology): “Brexit and Europeanization in the Northern Ireland Borderlands”
- Bisaha, David (Theatre): “The Show Must Go On: Disciplining Theater Professionals”
- Kirschen, Bryan (Romance Languages, Linguistics): “Welcome to La Amerika: Linguistic Assimilation of the Sephardim”
- Moore, Jason (Sociology): “Ecology and the Rise of Capitalism”
- Smart, Pamela (Art History): “The Technical Production of Affect: Renovating the Rothko Chapel”
- Wolf-Meyer, Matthew (Anthropology): “The Colony Within: Excremental Medicine and the Politics of Race in the United States”
- Cheng, John (AAAS): “Unnatural Citizens: The Precarity and Persistence of Asian American Racial Formation”
- Gates, Leslie (Sociology): “Anticapitalist Populism and Populist Capitalists: The Politics of Oil and Neoliberalism in Mexico and Venezuela (1935-2000)”
- Moore, Alexandra (English): “Ghost Detainees and State Power Across the Thresholds of Detectability”
- Rasmussen, Birgit (English): “American Beowulf: Native American Literature 901 AD”
- Akcinaroglu, Seden (Political Science): "Forcing Government's Hand: Ethnic Terrorism, Constituency Reforms, and Improvement in Minority Rights"
- Becker, Hilary (CNES): "Commerce in Color"
- Dey, Arnab (History): "Unkempt Edens: Tea Cultures in Eastern India, 1840-1940"
- Gerk, Sara (Music): "Famine, War, and the Music that Binds: Irish Methods of Coping with Trauma and the US Civil War"
- Mathews, Nathaniel (Africana Studies): "Race, migration and citizenship in colonial Zanzibar"
- Walker, Julia (Art History): "'Form is nothing but emptiness, emptiness nothing but form': Brigitte D'Ortschy and Frank Lloyd Wright in Germany, America, and Japan"
- Gelderloos, Carl (German and Russian Studies): "Doing and Suffering in Paul Scheerbart's 'Lesabéndio'"
- Gerrits, Jeroen (Comparative Literature): "Doing and Suffering in Paul Scheerbart's 'Lesabéndio'"
- Patterson, Jeanette (Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Translation): "Cultivating the Reader in the Bible historiale"
- Skopyk, Brad (History): "Colonial Cataclysms: Climate, Culture, and Landscape during Mexico's Little Ice Age"
- Wang, Yi (History): "Merchants, Monetization, and Networking: Chinese Commercial Expansion in Qing Mongolia"
- Bosworth, Yulia (Romance Languages): "Public perception of politician language use in Quebec: At the crossroads of linguistic norm and sociolinguistic identity"
- Candela, Ana Maria (Sociology): "How the World Came Home: Migration and the Deepening Global Color Line In Early 20th Century China"
- Dement, Sidney (German and Russian Studies): "Banyas, Liminality, and the Otherworld in M.A. Bulgakov's 'Master and Margarita'"
- Norwood, Dael (History): "Developing 'Binghamton's Business': Local Histories of Capitalism Using DH Tools"
- Parekh, Surya (English): "Black Enlightenment: The Case of Ignatius Sancho"
- Iser, Mattias (Philosophy): “Fighting without a Chance”
- Leja, Meg (History): "Penance as Medicine: Intersecting Genres in Early Medieval Thought"
- Montenegro, Giovanna (Comparative Literature): "German Bankers and the Conquest of Venezuela: Cultural Memory of 'Heretic' Capital and Colonization"
- Stoever, Jennifer (English): "Hip Hop's Living Room DJs: Black Women and Latinas Collecting and Selecting Records in the 1960s and 1970s New York"
- Whearty, Bridget (English, Medieval and Renaissance Studies): "Necromancing the Archive"
- Danon, Dina (Judaic Studies): "Social Stratification in the Eastern Sephardi Diaspora: The Case of Ottoman Izmir"
- Dunwoody, Sean (Medieval and Renaissance Studies, History): "Passions and the Peaceable Kingdom: Religious and Civic Emotions in Early Modern Augsburg"
- Karein, Anja (Philosophy): "Duties of Beneficence, Obligatory Aid, And What Any of This has to do with Helping the Global Poor"
- Reeder, Jessie (English): "The Problem of Progress in 1810"
- Barzman, Karen-edis (Art History): "Soft Architecture and the ‘Movable City’ – Military Camps in Europe's Early Modern Borderlands”
- Ghaemmaghami, Omid (CNES): "‘And like that, he's gone!’: Confession, Contention, and the Hidden Imam in Twelver Shi'i Islam”
- Hatch, Kevin (Art History): "‘Being Gone’: Chris Burden's B.C. Mexico (1973)”
- Karp, Jonathan (History, Judaic Studies): “Jewish-Owned Venues for Black Music in Twentieth-Century New York”
- Kim, Sonja (AAAS): “The Birth of the T'omangmin (土幕民): Affect, Science, and Medicine in Management of the Urban Poor in 1930s and 1940s Korea”
- Wall, Wendy (History): “Neo-Malthusianism and the Immigration Act of 1965”
- Weintraub, Michael (Political Science): "Vigilante Mobilization and Local Order: Evidence from Mexico"
- Casanova-Vizcaino, Sandra (Romance Languages): "‘The Killer Among Us’: Serial Killing in Contemporary Puerto Rican Narrative"
- Cope, Robyn (Romance Languages): "Americanness, Caribbeanness and Creoleness in Lakshmi Persaud's Butterfly in the Wind and Sastra"
- Gopinath, Praseeda (English): "Ranveer Singh's ‘Chichorapan’: Habitus, Masculinity, and Stardom"
- Wall, Wendy (History): "‘A Gauge of Our Faithfulness': Religion and the Politics of Immigration Reform"
- Youssef, Mary (CNES): “Reimagining Migration and Gender in Brooklyn Heights and Chicago”
- Cheng, John (AAAS): "When (East) Indians Were White, Then Not: Racial Formation and Naturalization Law in the Early 20th-Century United States"
- Dement, Sidney (German and Russian Studies): "'Pushkin' is our Everything: Delimiting the Referentiality of the Monument in Tatyana Tolstaya's Slynx"
- McConn, Mathew (Education): "History of Literary Appreciation in the United States"
- Moore, Jason (Sociology): "Cheap Food and Bad Climate: From Surplus-Value to Negative-Value in the Capitalist World-Ecology"
- Reeves, Anthony (Philosophy): "Human Rights, Risk, and Responsibility"
- Starks, John (CENS): "Lysioidia: 'Transgendering' Actresses/Actors in Hellenistic Greek and Roman Republican Theater"
- Candela, Ana Maria (Sociology): "The Coolie Specter: A Ghost of Primitive Accumulations Past, Present and Futures"
- Chronopoulos, Tina (CENS): "Ganymede in the Twelfth-century Classroom: Two Odes by Horace"
- Holmes, Douglas (Anthropology): "Making a Public Currency/Call it Fascism"
- Massey, Drew (Music): "Thomas Adès and the Dilemmas of Musical Surrealism"
- Newberry, Jay (Geography): “Determinants of Somali Secondary Migrations in the United States”
- Pavlovskis-Petit, Zoja (Comparative Literature)
- Youseff, Mary (CNES): "Historical Transformations and the Rise of a New-Consciousness Novel in Egypt"
- Yun, Lisa (English, AAAS): "Testimonies and Debates of Coolie Trafficking: The Colonial Past and the Global Present"
- Chronopoulos, Tina (CENS): “Aetas Horatiana: Reading Horace's Odes in Twelfth-Century England and France”
- Friedman, Randy (Judaic Studies): “Gods of Becoming”
- Holmes, Olivia (English, Medieval and Renaissance Studies): "From Demons to Ducklings: Travels of the Buddha in Medieval Tuscany"
- O’Hearn, Denis (Sociology): "Exilic Spaces and the World-Economy: Territorial and Structural Escape"
- Schleuse, Paul (Music): "Identity, Alterity, and Abstract Opera: Robert Wilson and Philip Glass's Einstein on the Beach (1976–2012)"
- Abou El Haj, Barbara (Art History): "Lordship and Commune: A Comparative Study of Building and Decorating in Reims and Amiens"
- Dehaan, Heather (History): "In the Neighborhood of Empire: Baku Communities in the Interwar Period"
- Hassoun, Nicole (Philosophy): "Access to Essential Medicines: Why We Should Support the Global Health Impact Campaign"
- Laats, Adam (Education, History): "Democracy" and American Education, 1930-1960”
- Wall, Wendy (History): "‘To Wage the Peace': The 1965 Immigration Act and the Cold War Politics of Immigration Reform"
- Glick, Douglas (Anthropology, Linguistics): "The Social Production of Meaning: Parallelism as a Semiotic Principle"
- MacKenney, Richard (History): "The Renaissance: Inter-Disciplinary Approaches"
- Stoever, Jennifer (English): "The Sonic Color-Line: Race and The Cultural Politics of Listening in America"
- Tomich, Dale (Sociology): "Sugar, Slavery and Landscape in 19th Century Cuba: A Visual History"
- Guay, Robert (Philosophy): "Nietzsche on Truth and Politics"
- Henkel, Scott (English): "Censorship and Cooperation in Salt of the Earth"
- Keith, Joseph (English): "Islands of the Rational: Race, Decolonization and the Dialogics of Modernity in Richard Wright's late work"
- Morewedge, Rosmarie (German and Russian Studies): "Herzog Ernst B: An Experiment in Narration and Nation Building"
- Rosenberg, Liz (English): "House of Dreams: The Story of L. M. Montgomery, author of ‘Anne of Green Gables’"
- Walkling, Andrew (Art History, English, Theatre): "From Pole to Pole Resounding: Epideictic, Performativity, and Musical Rhetoric in John Dryden's "Albion and Albanius"
- Henkel, Scott (English): "Sedition and the Slave Narrative"
- Kinney, Kelly (English): "Process Gives Way to Product: A Theory of Grading Student Writing"
- Lee, Yoonkyung (Sociology): "From Regionalism to Programmatic Competition: Korean Political Parties Under Transformation"
- Nzegwu, Nkiru (Africana Studies): "Critically Theorizing African Heterosexuality"
- Starks, John (Classics): "vox feminae, vox populi (A Woman's Voice, The People's Voice): Demand for Actresses in the Roman World
- Wall, Brian (Cinema, Art History): "The Object of and in Film Theory: The Maltese Falcon (1941)"
- Yun, Lisa (English, AAAS): "The Other Side of Abolition"
- Mehta, Monika (English): "DVD Compilations of Hindi Film Songs: (Re) Shuffling Sound, Stardom and Cinephilia"
- Pages, Neil Christian (German and Russian Studies): "Kafka and His Readers"
- Tessman, Lisa (Philosophy): "Moral Failure"
- Wall, Brian (Cinema, Art History): "‘A deeper breath’: From Body to Spirit in Kiss Me Deadly" (1955)
- Zils, Harald (German and Russian Studies): "Ernst Jünger's Total Moment: 'Das Abenteuerliche Herz' and 20th century European Aesthetics"
- Yun, Lisa (English, AAAS): "From Coolies to Model Minorities: Retelling the Pacific Passage"
- Gates, Leslie (Sociology): "Corruption Politics and Neoliberalism"
- Henkel, Scott (English): "Sedition and the Slave Narrative"
- Martinek, Wendy (Political Science): "Judicial Identity and Judicial Choice."
- Polachek, Dora (Romance Languages): "The Animal/Human Divide: Brant?me’s Dames Galantes and the Woman Question"
- Ros, Ana (Romance Languages): "Postmemory and Reconciliation in Argentine Postdictatorship"
- Roth, Benita (Sociology): "Gender and Sexuality in an Anti-AIDS Organization: An Intersectional Perspective."
- Willson, Thomas (Anthropology): “The Europeanization of a Rural Irish County”
- Brinker-Gabler, Gisela (Comparative Literature): “Nachtrauer: Lou Andreas-Salome's Rilke Book”
- Friedman, Randy (Judaic Studies): “Reading Rosenzweig Reading Torah”
- Gopinath, Praseeda (English): “The Middle-Grade Civil Servant: Masculinity, Englishness, and James Bond”
- Moreira, Luiza (Comparative Literature): “The Journalism of Cecília Meireles: Debates on Education in the thirties and forties”
- Pettid, Michael (AAAS): “Rural Life, Economics, and Women in Chos?n Korea (1392-1910): Relative Equality and Empowerment in a Confucian Society?”
- Ros, Ana (Romance Languages): “On Mourning, Inheritance, Arts and Politics: Films by/on Sons and Daughters of Disappeared Prisoners During the Argentine Dictatorship”
- Roth, Benita (Sociology): “The Messiness of Activist Spaces”
- Schleuse, Paul (Music): "'A Tale Completed in the Mind': The Theatrical Origin and Recreational Function of Orazio Vecchi's L'Amfiparnaso (1597)."