Landscapes of Injustice, Landscapes of Repair Image Credit: Studies in Social Justice.
The four events held in spring 2023 as part of the ongoing Landscapes of Injustice,
Landscapes of Repair seminar series. The series features activist and scholarly work
with an emphasis on critical methodologies grounded in feminist and decolonial practices.
It aims to develop frameworks to address political and environmental degradation while
centering the knowledge of marginalized communities.
The series began in 2022 with an international workshop led by Dr. Nikiwe Solomon
that combined training in science, social science, and humanities to develop an "ecofeminist
critical zones" theory that participants could apply to their research. The workshop
concluded by imagining alternative futures and modes of engagement with stakeholders.
Women, Climate, Insecurity
Women, Climate, Insecurity Image Credit: Open Global Rights.
Last year's UN Climate Change Conference included a Gender Day acknowledging the need
to respond to marginalized groups bearing climate costs. However, the framing risks
limiting progress by treating gender specialized rather than integral. In 2022, representatives
from Binghamton and Sheffield Hallam universities organized a Women, Climate, Insecurity
conference foregrounding feminist approaches to climate injustices and women's roles
addressing impacts. The essays here develop those conversations, bringing intersectional
analyses of climate insecurities affecting women and marginalized groups. Contributors
examine topics from reproductive rights to extractivism, along with localized climate
effects. Overall the dossier contributes to cross-disciplinary and cross-regional
dialogues about methods and imagination to create a more just future.
Women, Peace, and Security
Women, peace, and security Image Credit: Open Global Rights.
2020 marked a series of significant anniversaries for international women鈥檚 human
rights advocacy. From their earliest work after the forming of the Commission on the
Status of Women in 1946 to the breakthrough Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 1980, the Beijing Platform for Action
(1995) and the adoption, by the Security Council of Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace
and Security (2000), feminists have used the United Nations to affirm the central
role and right of women to participate in peace and post-conflict rebuilding, broadly
conceived, and to address the particular forms of physical and legal vulnerabilities
faced by women and girls worldwide. In recognition of the 40th anniversary of CEDAW,
the 25th anniversary of Beijing, and the 20th anniversary of Resolution 1325, Binghamton
University鈥檚 Human Rights Institutes, working in partnership with the Helena Kennedy
Centre for International Justice at Sheffield Hallam University (UK) and an independent
scholar and United Nations consultant in South Africa organized an international conference
of scholars and activists to evaluate the ways in which we understand and can respond
to gendered forms of vulnerability and precarity today. The dossier below, published
in OpenGlobalRights, extends some of the conference research presentations in conversation
with a broader public.