Pharmacy Technician Program - Program Costs

  Program Costs Per Learner 2025 Tuition &Fees Per Learner*
Tuition** $3,995 $0
Uniforms, nametag $75 $0
Background check $185 $0
Urine drug test $36 $0
Basic Life Support Training $42 $0
Textbooks (estimated) $215 $0
Computer tablet rental $0  $0
Pharmacy technician certification exam voucher $129 $0
Total $4,667 $0

* includes supplies and on-line access to ASHP's PharmTech Ready庐 curriculum (on-line learning lectures, videos, virtual laboratory simulations)

Program course fees and related expenses are subject to change. These estimated expenses represent a good-faith effort to disclose the true costs of attendance.

In addition to these expenses, after graduation, there is a $175 one-time fee paid to the New York State Education Department, Office of the Professions for pharmacy technician licensure.