Registration Info
Graduate students register for fall courses in the spring and vice versa. Details about registering for Independent Study, Pre-Dissertation Research, and Dissertation Research are emailed at the start of each registration period.
International students have separate requirements for full-time registration. The International Students and Scholars Office will have that information.
Registration Links
- Enrollment and Registration
- Registration Schedule
- Petition for Extension of Five-Year Limit
- Request for Late Add/Drop/Withdrawal
Thesis & Dissertation
Master's Students should meet with Dr. Kolmogorov regarding submitting a thesis or taking comprehensive exams.
PhD Students will complete a Preliminary Defense (prelim), as a way to receive guidance for their dissertation work. Speak with your advisor to make arrangements
Thesis and Dissertation Links
- Outside Examiner Request
- Recommendation to Candidacy (ABD)
- Dissertation Planning
- Graduate Application for Degree (GAFD) is now online at
- Recommendation for Award of Degree (MS and PhD) is now online at .
- Annual lab safety training is online through . The first training is in person and all subsequent training is online. Look for an email with a link each August.