Pre-Health Appointments for First-Year Students and Sophomores:
First-Year students and Sophomores can schedule an appointment with an advisor on the Pre-Health Advising Team through B-Successful. Follow the step-by-step instructions to make an appointment with a specific advisor (If you choose "first available appointment", you are not guaranteed to meet with an advisor on the Pre-Health Advising Team).
Appointments with Dr. Langhorne for Juniors & Seniors:
1. Online scheduling is only available to those students who have declared a Pre-Health Professions Track (see below).
2. You must have Junior two (J2) standing (72 or more credits) or higher to make an appointment with Dr. Langhorne through B-Successful. To access B-Successful, go to and click the B-Successful link on the left. Once in B-Successful, go to "My Success Network" to schedule a Pre-Health advising appointment.
3. If you are a Junior, defined as someone in their third year at BU, and are classified as a Junior 1 (J1), please contact the Pre-Health Administrative Assistant at 7-6305. (Item 1 above, still applies however.)
4. It is the practice of the Pre-Health Office to only make appointments during a two week window from any given date. In the context of B-Successful, if the two week window is filled, B-Successful will, unfortunately, inform you that there are no appointments for the rest of the semester. This is because times outside of the two week window have been blocked. If you wait until the next day, an additional date will have been unblocked (the two week window slides forward as time passes) and you should be able to make an appointment.
If you have difficulty with the system, you can still contact the Pre-Health Office (7-6305) and Mr. Uzel will make an appointment for you in the traditional manner.
Appointments with Dr. Langhorne for Alumni:
Alumni will not be able to schedule an appointment online because the B-Successful system will not work for them. Alumni must contact the Pre-Health Office Assistant (607-777-6305) to make an appointment.
To Declare a Pre-Health Professions Track:
Submit the . Once submitted, it will take 3-5 business days for you to be added to B-Successful for online scheduling access. Anyone who declares their Pre-Health Professions track should automatically be subscribed to the Pre-Health listserv within 3-5 business days. If you are not subscribed automatically, or are unable to declare your track, please follow the directions below to subscribe to the listserv:
To Subscribe to the Pre-Health List Serv: "PREHLTH-L"
To subscribe to PREHLTH-L, send an e-mail to from the address you want added to the mailing list. The body of the e-mail contains the command you are issuing to the server. The command to join a list is "subscribe". To join PREHLTH-L list, the body of the e-mail is:
Subscribe PREHLTH-L yourfirstname yourlastname
(e.g. Subscribe PREHLTH-L John Smith)
Be sure not to include any other text and to turn off adding a signature block.