Below are some of our publications in academic research journals, containing results of past studies.
Hipp, D., Olsen, S. & Gerhardstein, P. (2020). Mind-craft: Exploring the effect of digital visual experience on changes to orientation sensitivity in visual contour perception. Perception.
Learmonth, A. E., Lui, M., Janhofer, E., Barr, R., & Gerhardstein, P. (2019). Comparison of Imitation From Screens Between Typically Developing Preschoolers and Preschoolers With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 18, 108-130. DOI: 10.1891/1945-8959.18.2.108
Moser, A., Olsen, S., S. Rusnak, Barr, R. & Gerhardstein, P. (2019). How self-generated labelling shapes transfer of learning during early childhood: The role of individual differences. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 37, 68-83.
Gerhardstein, P. & Olsen, S. (2020). Using Eye-Tracking to Parse Object Recognition: Priming Activates Primarily a Parts-Based, but Also a Late-Emerging Features-Based Representation. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics.
Moser, A., Olsen, S., S. Rusnak, Barr, R. & Gerhardstein, P. (2018). How self-generated labeling shapes transfer of learning during early childhood: The role of individual differences. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 37, 68-83.
Dickerson, K., Gerhardstein, P., & Moser, A. (2017). The role of the human mirror neuron system in supporting communication in a digital world. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 698.
Hipp, D., Taylor, G., Moser, A., Barr, R., Zimmerman, L., & Gerhardstein, P. (2017). The relationship of near and far transfer to the video deficit effect: Mechanisms and influences. In (Ed.s), Linebarger, D., & Barr, R., The new blooming, buzzing world: How content and context shape learning from media during early childhood (pp.s 1-24). Springer.
Zimmerman, L., Moser, A., Lee, H., Gerhardstein, P., & Barr, R. (2016). The "ghost" in the touch screen: Social scaffolding promotes learning by toddlers. Child Development, 88(6), 2013-2025.
Barr, R., Moser, A., Rusnak, S., Zimmerman, L., Dickerson, K., Lee, H. & Gerhardstein, P. (2016). The impact of memory load and perceptual cues on puzzle learning by 24-month-olds. Developmental Psychobiology, 58, 817-828.
Moser, A., Zimmerman, L., Dickerson, K., Grenell, A., Barr, R. & Gerhardstein, P. (2015). They can interact, but can they learn? Transfer learning from touchscreens in toddlers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 137, 137-155.
Zimmerman, L., Moser, A., Grenell, A., Dickerson, K., Yao, Q., Gerhardstein, P. & Barr, R. (2015). Do semantic contextual cues facilitate transfer learning from video in toddlers? Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 561.
Taylor, G., Hipp, D., Moser, A., Dickerson, K. & Gerhardstein, P. (2014). The development of contour processing: Evidence from physiology and psychophysics. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1-22.
Hipp, D., Dickerson, K., Moser, A. & Gerhardstein, P. (2014). Age-related changes in visual contour integration: Implications for physiology from psychophysics. Developmental Psychobiology, 56, 1390-1405.
Zack, E., Gerhardstein, P., Meltzoff, A.M., & Barr, R. (2013). 15-month-olds' transfer of learning between touch screen and real-world displays: Language cues and cognitive load. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54, 20-25.
Dickerson, K., Gerhardstein, P., Zack, E. & Barr, R. (2013). Age-related changes in learning across early childhood: A new imitation task. Developmental Psychobiology, 55, 719-732.
Gerhardstein, P., Tse, J., Dickerson, K., Hipp, D., & Moser, A. (2012). The human visual system uses a global closure mechanism. Vision Research, 71, 18-27.
Gerhardstein, P., Dickerson, K., Miller, S., & Hipp, D. (2012). Early operant learning is unaffected by socio-economic status and other demographic factors: A meta-analysis. Infant Behavior and Development, 35, 472-478.