Registration errors

Here's a quick reference list of messages students may encounter when registering for courses at 黑料视频. Though many messages are straightforward, additional detail is offered where necessary. Messages are listed in alphabetical order for your convenience.

Please visit our useful registration tutorial videos webpage for common registration errors.

Class restriction (freshman, sophomore, etc.)

The course is restricted to a particular class standing, such as freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior, and the student is not recognized in the system as a member with the specific class standing. Standing is determined by the number of credits completed; in-progress courses not included. Please visit the department for additional information.

Closed section

Course section that student is attempting to enroll in is at capacity and closed. Please visit the department for additional information.

College restriction (Harpur, Watson, etc.)

The course is restricted to a particular school at 黑料视频. If this is an error, please see the academic department for your major or your academic advisor as soon as possible. Please visit the department for additional information.

Corequisite required

The student must register for an additional required course. Register for the course and its co-requisite at the same time.

Course closed by the department

The course is closed by the department. Please visit the department for additional information.

Duplicate course with section / duplicate equivalent with section / duplicate section / duplicate cross-list with section

The student is attempting to schedule same course and/or section twice. Course may be cross-listed, different CRN (Course Request Number), but it is the same class with the same subject matter.

Instructor approval required

You need to seek approval from the instructor to register for the class. Please visit the department for additional information.

Invalid student status code

Verify that you selected the correct term. If you still receive this error message, contact the Registrar's Office.

Linked course requires registration in a corresponding lecture/discussion/activity

The student must register for an additional linked course, i.e. lecture, discussion, activity, lab, etc.

Major restriction

Course that is restricted to a student in a specific major or minor. If this is an error, please see the academic department for your major or minor or your academic advisor as soon as possible. If a student has earned 56 credits or more, a major should be declared with an academic department or advisor. Please visit the department for additional information.

Maximum credit hours exceeded - petition through academic advising in your college

Students are prevented from exceeding the maximum semester credit hours, 18 credit hours. Students seeking to register for additional credit hours OR attempting to add a course that is exempt from the credit limit must see your academic advisor.

Permission of the department required

The course is restricted to a student in a specific academic department. Please visit the department for additional information.

Registration not available at this time

Registration is not open for the term. You will only see this message if you accidentally select a past or future term.

Restricted by housing community

The course is restricted to a student residing in a specific campus residential community.

Restricted by student level (undergrad/graduate)

Course that is restricted to a student level, i.e. graduate or undergraduate. Please visit the department for additional information.

Time conflict with CRN

The student is attempting to register for a CRN (Course Request Number) that is offered at the same time another course is already scheduled. Complete the Course Conflict form available on the Registrar's website.

Your changes have already been submitted

This error generally occurs on the schedule and registration screens when you have used your browser back and forward buttons, as opposed to the provided navigation links. To escape this error, return to the registration or course schedule menu and try again.