To make an appointment, call us at 607-777-2772 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Appointment reminders will also be sent through the Secure Online Messaging System. In addition, you may receive a text message appointment reminder, if you choose.
Urgent appointments
To help students who are experiencing a crisis or emergency, we provide same-day urgent appointments Monday through Friday from 1 to 4 p.m. Requests for urgent help after 4 p.m. may be handled by phone and/or guided to other available resources. Urgent meetings are 30–45 minute sessions for evaluation and support where we provide you with options for treatment and any other available actions that are relevant to your immediate needs.
- Weekdays during the day: call the Counseling Center at 607-777-2772
- Life-threatening emergencies: Contact University Police at 911 or 607-777-2222
- After hours: If you have a mental health-related crisis that requires immediate attention
or consultation after business hours, you may contact the UCC's after hours counselor
at 607-777-2772
and press 2.
Missed appointments
If you are unable to keep your appointment, we ask you to call our office to cancel or reschedule. If you do not keep your appointment and wish to reschedule it, you should contact the office to make a new appointment time or, if desired or needed, an alternative referral arrangement by scheduling an appointment with the UCC treatment coordinator. If you do not notify the UCC and do not show for the appointment, you may be charged a $10 no-show fee through Student Accounts.