Research Administration Certificate

Research Administration: Professional Science Management

Most doctoral programs prepare students to become investigators, but few provide the research administration skills that are necessary to effectively manage a complex program of research. In this way, the Research Administration certificate is designed to help trainees transition to Principal Investigator status, while at the same time opening broader career opportunities in research administration in academic, governmental, or industrial sectors. The required coursework emphasizes leadership skills, business and project management, ethics and legal principles, communication skills and team-building skills. When paired with the discipline-specific expertise developed in graduate studies, these skills reflect a professional who is knowledgeable and practiced in hands-on research tasks that are crucial to many employment sectors. 

Advanced Certificate in Professional Science Management

This certificate, approved by SUNY, requires one course, a case study, an elective course, and a capstone seminar. 

Required courses: 

    • GRD 594 - Management Fundamentals for Engineers and Scientists
    • GRD 595 - Fundamentals of Budget and Finance
      • May also take FIN 520, PAFF 527, or ACCT 540 to fulfill this requirement
    • XXXX 580/680 - A Capstone, Interdisciplinary Course
    • XXX 597 - Case Study

Elective courses (choose one): 

    • PAFF 521 Foundations of Public Service 
    • PAFF 525 - Public Ethics and Democratic Government
    • PAFF 534 - Human Resource Mgmt: Pub/NonPf
    • PAFF 551 - Intro to Mgt/Leadership in NFP 
    • PAFF 552 - Issues in Not-For-Profit Admin 
    • PAFF 558A - Adv Topics: Not-for-Profit Mgt 
    • LEAD 551 - Leadership Skills & Development 
    • LEAD 552 - Team Leadership
    • LEAD 553 - Strategic Leadership 

Students may complete this as a stand-alone or add-on certificate and should follow the appropriate admissions procedures depending on which format they select.

Students with questions about the certificate requirements or those seeking to apply may contact Courtney Ignarri, Assistant Dean for Program Review.