BEP Courses

2025 Courses are still being updated

The below information may not be current for the 2025 Program.

CHEM 100: Basic Chemistry

Credits 4 | Gen Eds: None | Class Limit: 40 Students

Basic Chemistry (CHEM 100) is designed for students with inadequate coverage of chemistry or without strong science background in high school prior to college. It equips the students with skills that are vital in preparation for future advanced chemistry courses such as CHEM 104, CHEM 105, CHEM 106, CHEM 107, CHEM 108, and CHEM 111. This course is also recommended for students who intend to pursue their careers in health-related professions such as nursing, medicine, and environmental sciences. The ultimate goal of this course is to help the students think critically, learn vital scientific concepts and apply these concepts in developing problem-solving skills that are important for success in chemistry and their future careers. Chemistry 100 does not fulfill the Harpur all-college requirement in math and science.

CHEM 197: Chemistry - Basic Laboratory Skills

Credits 2 | Gen Eds: None | Class Limit: 32 Students

During this introduction to chemistry laboratory course, students will complete various laboratory experiments using common laboratory equipment (beakers, graduated cylinders, electronic balance, etc.) by following prescribed protocols and recording the appropriate information, data, and observations.  Using the data collected during these experiments, students will perform critical analysis, including basic statistics, error analysis, and discussion of findings. Finally, students will complete effective laboratory reports and a scientific presentation to communicate their findings and conclusions.

DIDA 120: Interactive Fiction

Credits 4 | Gen Eds: H | Class Limit: 50 Students

In this course students will plan, craft, and publish interactive fiction (IF) stories their audience will navigate by making choices based on given prompts. Students will create stories using Twine, a free and open source tool while learning basic coding skills to create countdowns, trackers, puzzles and add images and effects to their stories. Students will also engage with and present to each other about a variety of forms of interactive fiction including tabletop RPGs, video games, and choose your own adventure books exploring the various genres and theories of interactive fiction each form engages with. RESTRICTIONS:  This course is only open to Harpur College or CCPA students.

GEOG 233: Urban Geography - Race and Place

Credits 4 | Gen Eds: N, D, USD | Class Limit: None

America’s urban realm has evolved within the context of European influences and unique processes related to American geography, technology, and institutions – economic, political, legal, and social.  These forces – combined with America’s racial/ethnic populations – have produced unique American urban landscapes and racial problems in various periods of American history to include the contemporary urban scene.  This course examines specific technology, institutions, and ideologies that played a pivotal role in the evolution of America’s racial geography.  Native American, Hispanic American (Mexican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican), African American, Asian American (Japanese and Chinese), and White ethnic (Jewish and Italian) cultures are examined to identify their place (both spatial and hierarchical) in the progression of American society.

Math 100: Algebra Enrichment

Credits 2 | Gen Eds: None | Class Limit: None

This course offers three different levels of courses; MATH 100A, MATH 100B, and MATH 100C.  The descriptions for these courses are as follows:

MATH 100A: Algebra Enrichment I:

Beginning Algebra. Students at this level cover the following topics: Fractions, decimals, and percents; Order of operations; Solving basic (linear) equations and inequalities; Using algebraic expressions to represent basic real-world scenarios to help solve word problems. Exponents, polynomial operations, factoring, and rational expressions as time allows.

MATH 100B: Algebra Enrichment II:

Intermediate Algebra. Students at this level cover the following topics: Exponents; Polynomial operations; Factoring; Linear equations; Systems of linear equations and inequalities; Solving quadratic equations; Rational expressions/complex fractions. Functions and graphing.

MATH 100C: Algebra Enrichment III:

Advanced Algebra/Pre-Calculus. Students at this level cover as many of the following topics as possible: Solving higher-order polynomial, rational, radical, and absolute value equations; Solving polynomial, rational, and absolute value inequalities; The study of various types of functions (linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric), their properties, and operations. 

WRIT 101: Bridging Academic Writing

Credits 2 | Gen Eds: W | Class Limit: None

WRIT 101, "Bridging Academic Writing," is a course designed to help students bridge the gap between high school and college. Drawing from theories informed by the latest research in composition studies, WRIT 101 aims to provide students the necessary tools to be successful participants in a college-going culture.