Become a Tutor
Tutors are undergrad and graduate students who excel in particular courses and help students understand the class material, with time management issues, study tips, and test-taking skills. Students can request a private tutor or work with walk-in tutors. Apply to be an EOP tutor
Chi Alpha Epsilon (XAE) Membership
Founded at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Chi Alpha Epsilon (XAE) National Honor Society was formed to recognize the academic achievements of students admitted to colleges and universities through Opportunity Programs. Membership requires a 3.0 or better for two consecutive semesters (fall to spring), and is offered through Binghamton University's Gamma Delta chapter. Read more
EOP Advisory Committee
The purpose of the committee is to provide support and assist the EOP director in establishing policies and academic guidelines for the program. In addition, the committee serves as a liaison to faculty, assists with the development of educational programs, the fosters introductory courses, and helps in the provision of additional tutorial services.
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Alumni Council
An official EOP alumni council was formed in 2015 to provide support to the current
students and provide networking opportunities for EOP alumni and students. Contact
our office to learn more about the activities of the EOP alumni council.
MVB Scholarship
The scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student who has completed a minimum of four semesters, calculated by the number of credit hours earned. First preference is offered to students of African/Latin descent. Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, and have exceptional service to the University and/or local community. Applicants must also submit letters of support and the service requirement must be verifiable. Read More
Graduate Opportunity Program (GOP)
EOP students interested in attending graduate school should investigate all options of funding. Tuition scholarships are available through the state-funded Graduate Opportunity Program (GOP). Eligibility is determined by financial need, academic quality and prior participation in EOP.
Fee Waiver letter for Graduate School
Eligible Binghamton students can obtain an application fee waiver letter from the Office of Financial Aid and Student Records. This letter can be used for any graduate school that grants waivers. Applicants should note that they may be required to pay upfront and then be reimbursed once the fee waiver has been verified and processed. Students will need to check with each school to find out what the fee waiver process is.
Fee Reduction Waiver for GRE
Senior students planning to take the GRE can obtain a reduction fee waiver application from the Office of Financial Aid and Student Records. If approved, students will only be responsible for the reduced rate of the exam. They will also need to specify the date that they intend to sit for the GRE. The fee waiver will be sent directly to the student.
Economically Disadvantaged First Professional Study (EDPS)
Limited resources are available for New York State Opportunity Program graduates who are pursuing first professional study programs. Such programs may include: optometry, dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, and law. Interested students should see the following website to Learn more
Summer Employment
The Binghamton Enrichment Program (BEP) is designed to prepare pre-freshmen to successfully transition into 黑料视频. EOP offers summer employment opportunities to interested individuals. Applications for Peer Counselor positions are available in the fall. Applications for Math and Rhetoric instructors and TA's are available in the spring.
Alumni Events
EOP Alumni are welcome to plan a reunion with assistance from the Office of Alumni Relations. Events are not restricted by date or location. Events can target new alumni, experienced alumni and even current students. Contact the Office of Alumni Relations once your date and location has been secured. Don't forget to share pictures of your events with EOP!
Excelsior Scholarship
FAQs about the program are available through the Higher Education Services Corporation at